9 Steps to Address Worry


I’ve written about worry and anxiety quite a bit as it is something that is a part of our lives. I do Reiki and meditate to calm my mind and redirect my energy. I came across this article and had to share it with my community.

For the sake of saving time here are some bullet points as to why you might be more of a worrier than your friends: There is a genetic component; there are also nurture or non-nurture factors.

·      People who come from divorced homes are 70% more likely to have generalized anxiety disorder

·      Overprotective parents tend to raise worriers

·      Reverse parenting can play a role (when the child is taking care of a nonfunctioning parent.) If you had a mom who was not available and not consistent, you learn from an early age that the world is not a safe place

·      Worriers are more likely to have IBS, nausea, fatigue and depression. The research on children who deal with toxic stress and worry is sobering.


How can we take steps to address worry? 

1. Make a list of your worries

Write them all down, this is essential if your worries keep you from getting a good night’s sleep.

2. Analyze the list

Are your worries productive or non-productive. Maybe you do need to start that savings account or maybe the zombie apocalypse is just really unlikely. Some things you need to take action on.

3. Embrace uncertainty

This speaks for itself, nothing is certain but you didn’t get this far without survival skills! You are stronger than you think.

4. Bore yourself calm  

Repeat the dreaded thought over and over again and it will become boring and go away.

5. Make yourself uncomfortable

Worriers avoid new things and situations that make them uncomfortable. Force yourself to do the uncomfortable thing and it ceases to have power over you.

6. Stop the clock –

Focus on what you observe around you, don't focus on the urgency. This is really helpful for students or any of us working on a deadline.

7. It is never as bad as you think it will be

8. Cry out loud

Don’t suppress your amygdala (your brains’ emotional center) let the tears flow, have a big ugly cry followed by a big glass of water. There is no way you don’t feel better after a big ugly cry.

9. Talk about it

Talk therapy and getting to the root of this worry may take some time with a therapist. Wouldn’t it be great to say, “yeah, I used to worry about that, but now I know it was because of Y.”


Keep in mind that wherever the mind goes, energy flows. Who has enough energy to do all we do and worry? When worries pop up think about how you can redirect your thinking, use these steps, or come get a Reiki treatment!

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