An Introduction to Vedic Astrology


It is my pleasure to introduce our guest blogger for this week, Jesse Roberts. Jesse is based in Plano, TX. A former model and accessories designer, she is the founder of Balance into Being, a web-based portal for self care through Yoga, Crystals, and Vedic Astrology. While studying Eastern Philosophy and Traditional Yoga Studies with Brenda Feuerstein, Jesse found Vedic Astrology aligned perfectly with her field of study. Contact Jesse via her website Balance Into Being.


A lot of people really enjoy reading their horoscopes and why shouldn’t they? A rare chance to gain a little insight into your personal nature is a lovely way to have a little touch point along the path of life. Many people are unaware that there are a number of different types of Astrology out there and I wanted to share a few differences between Eastern or Vedic Astrology and traditional Western Astrology.


Vedic Astrology is thousands of years old, originating in India from the Vedic Rishis or Seers. Vedic Astrology is also known as Joytish, which means brightest flame or wisest light. Consider it a map for the soul, Vedic Astrology is a snapshot of the stars at the time you were born and indicates the karma you must work with in order to evolve your soul during this lifetime. To have your Vedic Chart plotted is to look deeply into one’s own self to gain clarity and understand the reason and emotions behind our actions and take control over our lives.


A big difference between Vedic Astrology and Western Astrology is that Vedic is based on the Ascendent, the sign that is rising in the sky at the time of birth. Western Astrology is based on the Sun sign, technically speaking the Sun’s placement in the sky at the time of birth. The Sun is strongly related to the ego or the face we wear when facing the public. The Ascendent is the feeling underneath; it is the journey of the soul, the evolution that takes place as we grow through life. It shows where we have karma we need to work on, whether to clear or to strengthen, and is an excellent tool that can be used to gain deep insight into one’s life.


Western Astrology, also referred to as tropical zodiac, is based on the calendar dates where as Vedic Astrology, known also as sidereal zodiac, uses what can be seen and what is actually going on in the sky at the time. Vedic Astrology reads from the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn as well as Rahu and Ketu, which are the nodes of the Moon responsible for the eclipses we go through. These are planets that can be seen with the naked eye. Western Astrology also reads from the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn but includes the planets that we cannot clearly see with the naked eye, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.


Vedic Astrology helps one find balance in their life by pointing out small nuances we may not be aware of that can hinder our progress in life. It is here one can gain valuable insight into their life and be prepared to make better decisions to affect their life.


These are just a few of the major points of difference between Western and Eastern (Vedic) Astrology. I hope that this clears up some questions you may have.



Jesse Roberts

  • Certified Yoga Instructor and Practitioner
  • Certified Vedic Astrologer and American Academy of Vedic Arts and Science
  • Traditional Yoga Studies with Brenda Feuerstein and Georg Feuerstein PhD.
  • Quantum Dream Studies with Robert Moss






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