Smashing Plateaus
Smashing Plateaus
What is a plateau?
A plateau is a state of little or no change following a period of activity or progress, an area of relatively level high ground.
In other words, its like being grounded after working really hard on something and realizing you don’t know what you need to do next to keep progressing.
For many of us this happens dozens of times over a lifetime. Weight plateaus, workout plateaus, work plateaus, relationship plateaus…I could go on but the key is we somehow find a way up and out because we need to keep moving and doing.
Reiki, for many of my clients, is a way to re-set the clock and find the inner strength to take the next step and move onwards and upwards. Having the chance to check in and see what needs fixing and what baby steps we can take to make wholesome decisions for ourselves. I love how reiki replenishes and soothes when and where it is needed.
Here is a great video from Tony Robbins about plateaus and how to smash through plateaus.
Tony Robbins is a leading motivational speaker who specializes in helping people to reach inside themselves so they can find the drive to achieve their dreams and goals. I really like this video, its short (less than 2 minutes!) and it offers 4 solutions for finding your way when you can’t see where you need to go next.
Here is the rundown
1. Feed Your Mind
Read and fill your mind with new ideas even if it is for an hour a day. It can be anything that interests you but it will serve you best if what your reading is inspirational, something that will teach you something. For example, a biography about someone who you admire or someone who has achieved something you’d like to achieve.
Whatever the story is you will find that everyone has to overcome something, that everyone has a struggle and those struggles can be overcome. Taking an interest in any subject and reading up on it will strengthen your knowledge leading to more creative and inspirational ways of thinking. Even if it is Harry Potter, every good story has something for us.
2. Don't let Fear take over
Be physical even if it is only for 10 minutes here are there, make the time to workout or get moving in some way. If you are feeling stuck, a quick burst of activity can help your mind get rid of anxiety and start thinking clearly. YouTube is packed with lots of short workouts you can do even in your own home.
3. Be crystal clear about what you want and find a role model
Be crystal clear about what you want and look for great role models. Who do you want to be and where would you like to see yourself? You don’t need to know them personally, maybe it is someone you follow on social media or maybe it's an athlete or CEO, whomever it is, look for someone who is giving back to the community in some meaningful way.
4. Give to someone who needs help more than you
We learn to appreciate what we have when we see others who have greater needs. This doesn’t mean that you don’t have needs (everyone does!) but if you can reach out to help someone else in a meaningful way you are making the world a better place. There is a lot of research out there that shows us that doing for others benefits us more than we think.