New Moon, New Beginnings
July 4th was the new moon and this month’s theme is TRANSFORMATION.
The month of July is all about transforming through love. Transforming your greatest fears into personal power, transforming your attachments into moments that have passed and have been let go, transforming all your little doubts into a greater sense of confidence. The side order is self-care, are you nurturing your dreams and desires, if not why not?
In order to get to TRANSFORMATION you need COMPLETION. What is it that you need to scratch off your list?
Every month I write up a list of what I want to accomplish by months end and on each of these lists there is another list below that, a list of what I want to have accomplished 5 years from now.
As you know I’m a huge believer in vision boards and having direct access to a visual representation of what I want to achieve. Every day it keeps me honest with myself and when I can see that I have already achieved some of those goals it keeps me motivated and positive. None of us have a cheerleader ready to encourage us and tell us good things about ourselves – sometimes we have to be our own cheerleader.
Rome was not built in a day and you can’t fix everything at once. You can do one small thing before the end of the day. Just make sure you are moving in the direction of your goals and dreams. You can spend a lifetime painting someone else’s masterpiece or you can start painting your own.
COMPLETE the little tasks so you are ready and able for TRANSFORMATION. Take care of yourself, take time to check in and see what it is you need right now, what you need to keep you sustained and nourished.
Let me know what you think of this, if you have a special technique that keeps you on your path.