November 2021 Monthly Roundup
November 2021 Monthly Roundup
Get your Yvonne Futch Reiki Apparel!
Email, call, text or DM Yvonne if you are interested in getting a custom curated Yvonne Futch Reiki shirt - “Raise the Root with Reiki”. Reach out today if you are interested - these will sell out! Selling for $35 each.
The Month of Gratitude and Patience
Honor your loved ones who have passed away by creating an altar for them. In Mexico this is a huge celebration called Dias de Los Muertos (aka day of the dead). This begins Monday 11/1 and ends 11/2/21. To learn more about Dias de Los Muertos, check out the Disney movie “Coco”
Flower Essence of the Month
Flower essences are liquid extracts used to address profound issues of emotional well-being, soul development, and mind-body health. They are part of an emerging field of subtle energy medicine, which also includes homeopathy, acupuncture, color therapy, therapeutic touch and similar modalities.
The flower essence of the month is Bach Flower Essence Impatiens (Impatiens glandulifera). Bach Flower Essence Impatiens is of benefit to those who are impatient. This essence aids us in taking a more relaxed approach with other people. It calms the mind and enables us to deal with others in a more positive and fruitful manner.
Reiki Energy Sprays Still Available!
Yvonne is now offering two custom blended energy sprays for purchase!
Reiki All Day Energy Clearing Spray
Raise the Root with Reiki Energy Recharging Spray
Both $7, and both perfect for you or a loved one!
Upcoming Events to Look Forward to
January 2022- Vision Board Workshop- Date to be announced in December.
Kick start the New Year 2022 with Wellness of goods and introduction to holistic modalities Event.
Reiki Level 1 in February date TBD and March 5, 2022 –(At Breathe).
Aroma Touch with Reiki and Essential Oils Event March 2022
New Swag
Mantra Monday’s on Instagram
Yvonne is continuing to release a new mantra every Monday on her Instagram page (@yvonnefutchreiki) to help her community start each week with the best foot forward, the highest intentions and a mindful mindset. Below find the most recent Mantra Monday post from Yvonne’s Instagram.
November Affirmation
I Can Keep Calm No Matter What
Let this affirmation serve as a reminder to trust in our abilities to remain calm in and out of the storms in our lives.
Book and Resource of the Month
This month’s book of the month is Bach Flower Essences and Chinese Medicine written by Pablo Noriega
A guide to applying the power and wisdom of Chinese Medicine to Bach Flower Therapy. The book includes detailed write-ups about the indications and effects of each of the original 38 Bach flower remedies according to Chinese Medicine
Resource - The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) envisions a world where every member of the LGBTQ+ family has the freedom to live their truth without fear, and with equality under the law. We empower our 3 million members and supporters to mobilize against attacks on the most marginalized people in our community.
Yvonne wishes to share information and resources each month to encourage and support diversity and inclusion for all cultures and humans that make up this world. Together…we are one.
If you have any suggestions for resources or information to share, please share them with Yvonne and she will share in her next Monthly Newsletter
Yvonne attended the Bonz Voyage Wellness Retreat in Kauai back in September over Labor Day Weekend! Here she is pictured with some of the other retreat attendees on a sunset boat cruise off the Napali Coast on the northwestern side of the island.