Dia de los Muertos/ Day of the Dead

This is a Mexican/Latin Holiday celebrated on 10/31 - 11/2 each year. This is a joyous occasion where you can honor and celebrate your loved ones who have passed away.  Losing someone is  undeniably a sad and life-changing event, Dia de Muertos provides individuals the opportunity to rejoice in the living memories of your loved ones.  This is a great way to build your ojas and open up your heart chakra.  The Dias de Muertos serves as positive affirmation of the cycle of life and death, allowing you to reconnect with the spirit and memories of your loved ones. Your heart will fill with love and happiness!!!

Here is an example: create and decorate an alter with loved ones picture on top of it, with their favorite food, music, colors, flowers, their possessions etc.  Essentially all their favorite things.

This is dedicated to my grandfather- Antonio Morales, Mr. McCann and my biological dad- Dennis!  Thank you for all the joys you have given me in my life!!!

Love You!!! xox

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