This is  a brand NEW YEAR to change anything you want, even just one small thing- for example "stop drinking soda pop".  That is huge in the long term- all that artificial sweetners/sugars- your body will thank you!

I highly recommend this book written by Author Jen Sincero, "You are a Badass, How to stop doubting your greatness and start living an Awesome Life" 

Here is a powerful quote from her book that I found to be very true!                       

" In order to change your life and start living  a new one that you've never lived before, your faith in miracles, and yourself, must be greater than your fear. However easy or rough your birth process is, you have to be willing to fall down, get up, look stupid, cry, laugh, make a mess, clean it up and not stop until you get there. No matter what."

Remember there is only one you!  So start having faith in yourself- you deserve to be happy and live your own "BADASS" Life!!!!

Peace, Love and Reiki

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